color mode in photoshop

what is rgb color?

Red Green and Blue in RGB is a system that is used to represent colors on a display on monitor. so think about your cell phone in about the display of your computer what you are actually seeing the colors the pictures that  are actually created from light let's on the stream those tiny dots are nothing more than like a small light board that has three states three colors which are RGB red green and blue when there's no cover on we have black when there is read your breath when the stream we have trained Avengers blue guess what we have to invent the three colors together are called we have White you like these three colors him be tamed between 0 and the value of 255 in by mixing different colors.

rgb color explained

What is the difference between RGB and CMYK? 

There are two main color models used in design RGB and CMYK and it's important to know which to use and for what purpose RGB stands for red green and blue and is used for anything that is to be displayed on a monitor or screen such as websites or videos the very same screen you are watching any video on is most likely made up of millions of pixels each pixel is broken down into three sub pixels that are either red green or blue these sub pixels are added in various combinations to make an array of different colors for the pixel for instance if the red and green.
cmyk printing process
sub pixels are turned on all the way the resulting pixel would be yellow or if the red pixel was dim and the blue pixel was on all the way the resulting color would be purple all three sub pixels added together create white which is why RGB is known as the additive color model CMYK on the other hand is a subtractive color model and creates white by subtracting colors CMYK stands for cyan magenta yellow and key which is black and should be used for anything that is printed with ink CMYK works by starting with a lighter page usually white and then layering each color together until the final image is produced this image is made up of tiny dots of either.
cmyk color mixing formula
cyan magenta yellow or black the bigger the dot the more that color is represented and the more colors of overlap the darker the section of image will be in addition to CMYK printing you can also print with Pantone colors these are specifically colored inks and there are a more accurate way of achieving a desired color that CMYK cannot perfectly represent Pantone colors can also include metallic inks that CMYK cannot produce when designing for print make sure you set up the artwork in CMYK and don't simply convert it later on and also keep in mind that you are viewing the CMYK file on an RGB screen and the final product might very remote your screen shows.

what is the meaning of four colour dots in newspaper in tamil

what is pantone? what is pms color? 

what is a Pantone color well a Pantone color is part of a standardized color matching system so manufacturers that are in different locations can easily identify a particular Pantone color by it's reference number and know that exactly. How the color is going to look when printed in advance because sometimes when you're printing in color there can be slight variations so what some of the different ways that you can find out the Pantone colors well you can look them up online you can get a Pantone book they can be quite expensive but they're very good because they have all of the different Pantone swatches and you can just pull the little swatches out and then you can match them up to objects to make sure that you get the closest color match but the easiest way to look up all the different colors or search via color is in Adobe Illustrator so you can load up the Pantone color library in Illustrator and you can browse the different Pantone colors or you can search by number.

what is pantone color

how it works so we're now in Adobe Illustrator and we're going to go over to our swatches palette on the right so here are all the default swatches the illustrator provides us to start with but if you got to this little drop-down up here at the top click and going on to open swatch library and then color books and you'll get a whole load of different options here but the one we want is Pantone solid coated now the Pantone solid palette is the most popular and most widely used and the solid coated and solid uncoated the difference is just what material you're printing on so if the paper is has a coated finish or an uncoated finish you would select accordingly but for the purpose of this video we're going to select Pantone solid coated and you'll see that we get a big long list here lots and lots of different colors so if we create a shape we can then fill it with these Pantone colors.

In this video, I explain color mode in photoshop, color modes, color model in computer graphics, rgb color explained, cmyk color mixing formula, color model in digital image processing, color theory lesson - cmyk vs rgb, color mode definition, color mode for printing, rgb color model, rgb color tv, cmyk meaning, cmyk printing process, pantone color manager, pantone printing process, pantone color in illustrator, cmyk vs rgb, what is pantone color in tamil, rgb to cmyk, cmyk to rgb, cmyk to pantone, pantone to cmyk cmyk meaning, cmyk full form, so please watch full video. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or message me on (Facebook Page). In addition, if you found the video helpful, please leave it a like. get more video subscribe to my YouTube channel.

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